Marketing and the real estate market - the story of a wonderful symbiosis
Real estate agencies are, on the one hand, like any other business dealing with sales. Just as drugstores sell cosmetics, home improvement stores, fashion stores sell clothes and shoes, real estate agencies are tasked with selling houses, apartments and land. Of course, the sales system is somewhat different, but that does not mean that we have an easy task ahead of us.
There are many real estate agencies today. There are also plenty of properties for sale. In addition, there are also many owners who sell real estate themselves. And our task is to present the property to as many people as possible (who have already looked at numerous other properties), sell the property to the right buyer (before someone else catches his eye) and secure a good price for the owner.
Complex, isn't it?
When we start cooperation with a new client (property owner), we give him a promise that we will do everything in our power to sell the property at the best possible price. And that means that we have to bring it before the eyes of as many interested people as possible. If we only have two potential buyers, chances are that neither of them will want to offer a good price. If we have ten of them, then our chances are much higher.
And that's why we, just like all other sellers, have to rely on that magical power of marketing.

Život u digitalnom svijetu
Nekad davno (čitaj: prije svega nekoliko desetljeća) marketing se odvijao na brojnim medijima. Novine, časopisi, radio, televizija, billboard plakati, letci… Ako ste htjeli prodati nekretninu, morali ste je predstaviti na više različitih mjesta kako biste je prodali.
No vremena se mijenjaju i digitalizacija je zavladala svijetom. Sve ono što smo prije nalazili u fizičkom svijetu, danas se nalazi u digitalnom. Umjesto u trgovine, odlazimo u web shopove. Umjesto na sastanke, odlazimo na online meetinge iz udobnosti svog doma. Umjesto novina, čitamo web portale. A umjesto reklamiranja na deset različitih mjesta, dovoljno je osloniti se na digitalni marketing.
Baš kao što tražimo majice, kućne potrepštine, poslovne partnere i usluge u online svijetu, tako ćemo pretraživati i nekretnine za koje smo zainteresirani.
Dakle, ako netko želi kupiti nekretninu u Istri, onda će uključiti svoje računalo i pretražiti ponudu. I tu na snagu stupa digitalni marketing, koji će nekretninu za kakvu je osoba iskazala interes dovesti ravno pred njezine oči.
Kako to čini?

Real estate marketing - first and foremost
Here is one of the examples. You've probably already clicked countless times on that little window that warns you that a website uses cookies. In addition to websites, cookies are also used by social networks. And from those cookies it is actually visible which things you are interested in. In other words, if you searched for "houses for sale by the sea of Istria" or clicked on similar content on Facebook or Instagram, then such paid ads will pop up more often. You will see them in the top positions of Google search results, they will be included in your Facebook and Instagram feed, they will appear in your paid ad locations on many sites.
And among such ads you will also find ours. On a monthly basis, we invest financial resources in the promotion of the properties we sell, as this has proven to be an excellent way of presenting the property to interested buyers, and we have sold countless properties thanks to Google and Meta ads.
But paid ads alone are not enough.
The power of quality online presentation
We can spend money and money on digital marketing, but if the property does not seem interesting, no one will even click on that ad.
Several aspects are important in order for the property to attract the attention of the (desired) audience:
- An interesting, clear and attractive property name
- A description of the property that evokes the experience of living in it
- Quality, professional photos showing all the main features
- Professional video for a virtual experience of living or staying in real estate.
Of the listed items, we insure everything. If you look at some of our properties, you will see that we pay a lot of attention to digital presentation. With us, you won't find photos that look like they were taken with a calculator. You won't find even short descriptions of the property that only give you information about square footage and location.
It is highly likely that there will be several other properties on the real estate market with the same features as the one we are selling. Our task is to present it as a better option in the eyes of potential customers.
And finally, it is important to note that our marketing is not only about real estate.

Agency branding
When a (potential) buyer sees a property advertised by an agency and clicks on that link, only a high-quality presentation of the property is not enough. It is important that the customer, by coming to the website, gains trust in the agency itself.
What exactly does that mean?
Everyone who has worked with us knows that we are reliable and professional, yet approachable and cordial. They know that we look at all our clients as extended family and that instead of professional frazetines, we will always prefer to offer a smile, a joke or a kind word. After all, we appeared on the real estate market with such an intention.
However, it is also important that our website and social networks present such an image of us. What if we didn't write these blogs for you, record content for Youtube or write a proper "about us" section on the website? Through our stories and posts, you can find out what we are like as people, not just as real estate agents. We want as many of you as possible to have a good experience with buying and selling real estate, and that is why we will not only advertise real estate, but also us as an agency.
None of the items we have listed in this blog is meant to mask the real estate's shortcomings or represent the agency as something it is not.
Our marketing is based on recognizing quality and promoting it in the online world. Although marketing itself often gets a bad reputation precisely because of inaccurate advertising, we are guided by the same principles in promotion as in business - integrity and expertise.
Is our marketing successful? Since you're reading this blog (and especially if you've made it to the end of the blog), we'll agree that it is. ☺