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A village in central Istria for sale

Want to live near sea shore, but still have your privacy, tranquility and a touch of luxury, then this is for you. A complex of stone buildings for a complete renovation, is on sale near Žminj in Istria. Real treasure in the heart of Istria and great potential for the buyer, with over 4000 square meters of land, will enchant everyone. Its construction began in …

Spice up your everyday life in your home

It is a very hot day and I barely made it down in the city to buy some grocery. I filled the shopping bags to the top and I'm dragging it back. When I step into my comfortable house, all I want is to leave burden on the doorstep, take a towel from closet, and take a shower. After that, I lay down on my …

Find your place in the sun in the Istrian countryside

Living in the countryside and being outdoors became a hit not only in a tourism, but also became latest hit in the purchasing of real estate. It is already known that customers try to get away from city chaos and seek peace in the countryside when buying their own real estate. Rural tourism and life in the countryside is particularly popular in Istria for several …

Legalization in Croatia

WHAT ARE THE MOST COMMON PROBLEMS WITH LEGALIZATION? At the moment, the biggest problem is finding old documentation and obtaining a cadastral certificate confirming that the building was built prior to February 15,1968. In Pula the land records are scattered on several locotions and the place to go to for a specific permit depends on the year of construction. When you request a document from …

Stone house of my dreams

In one of my dreams about winning the lottery I fantasize about leaving the city and moving to a beautiful stone housesurrounded by nature in Istria. Suddenly I find myself imagining that one day, blessed by some extraordinary course of events, I'll have a possibility to make this dream come true. But instead of just waiting I sketch some of my ideas, organize the interiors …

Dream House

To wake up in the morning with the birds singing and the intoxicating scent of blooming neighbors lilacs in one of the house on Vidikovac in Pula and still sleepy start of the day, walking the green path on the way to the forest, has become a reality that I never dreamed. Now I know that I always wanted, but I never dared to say …

The decision was made - I'm buying my first flat!

The hardest thing is to bring decision in a life, especially those that we know that will change your whole life. And not because that we are afraid of change, but because of unknown. I decided to become independent and buy an apartment in Pula and begin to take care of myself. Now or never! I'd like to have one day a house near Pula, …